Sometimes, it can be tempting to fix a situation by attempting to backup or rewind a game state and allow a legal action can be taken. But when is it appropriate, and what should you evaluate before moving forward with a rewind? Eser Unger delves into this controversial topic!

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London Travel Guide Featured Image

Steve Broda, also known as Judge Broda, is a UK judge based in the heart of London. In this travel guide, Steve will tell you some of the best places to visit to make your trip to London more memorable. Whether you’re going as a first-timer or a Rowdy Local, there should be something new for you to experience!

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Flesh and Blood can be a complicated game, and players will often make errors in a game that are technically legal but not intentional. When can judges step in and reverse gameplay errors or misjudgments? Eser Unger goes over when judges can and can’t reverse actions, and provides a handy flowchart for reference!

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Art for the card Lava Vein Loyalty cropped 1024x768

As an L2P candidate, your role is more than just explaining the rules—you’re building lasting relationships, helping players discover a new hobby, and creating an environment that encourages growth and excitement for Flesh and Blood. In this final section, we’ll focus on the importance of collaboration skills, which are essential for creating a productive and enjoyable environment at the Learn to Play (L2P) booth.

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As an L2P candidate, your role is more than just explaining the rules—you’re building lasting relationships, helping players discover a new hobby, and creating an environment that encourages growth and excitement for Flesh and Blood. In this section, we’ll focus on your ability to effectively deliver the technical aspects of the game and provide players with the resources they need to continue their Flesh and Blood journey.

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