This page is an overview of the different types of conferences that are available for Judges around the world. Additionally, information for applying to run conferences can be found here.
Conferences are part of the foundation of education, learning, feedback and socializing for Judges; participating in conferences is what enables Judges to come together and make great games possible. At conferences, judges apply ahead of time to present a judge-related topic to other judges as a form of knowledge sharing. Topics will generally cover every aspect of judging, from event logistics, rules-related subjects, to life skills helping while judging or socializing with the community.
This conference system is brand new and will need minor adjustments to work as intended.
Please fill out this feedback form if you have any feedback for information that you would like to see here and is missing or anything else relevant.
![header_conference2 Conference Support](
Support is given in the form of Judge Reward Boosters, rotating per trimester. Each conference in a trimester will get the same type of Judge Reward Boosters per type of conference. Support amount will vary for the first few trimesters to adjust to the needs of the community. For additional information on the Judge Rewards Boosters head to this special news bulletin from the news from Pro Tour Baltimore!
Interested organizers are able to apply via this link.
2023 support will begin starting from July 2023.
Please apply until May 31st if you would like to run a conference in July 2023.
Please be aware that there will be only a very limited amount of conferences supported during the first trimester.
Requests will be processed in the first two weeks of each month for the applications received in the previous month. As example: If you filled out this form in January, you will get an answer until mid-February. Please apply with enough time that after your event is accepted there are 2 months until it actually happening.
![header_conference1 Types of Conferences](
Conferences are categorized by location and medium. The different types of conferences listed here act as a framework for the future, as a way to grow as a community. Each of them is meant to cater and adjust to different needs of regions and situations. Broadly, the Judge Program will support these types of conferences:
![subheader_conferences_1 Online Conferences](
Online Conferences
Run fully digitally via a streaming and text-based platform. Can be run as a country-specific conference or for a larger region. Online conferences are eligible for support for organizer and presenter only.
- Ideal for reaching people spread far apart geographically, where logistical issues prevent judges from meeting up in person
- Good for seminars and some limited form of workshops
![subheader_conferences_2 Supporting and Local Conferences](
Supporting/Local Conferences
Run in person. These conferences are intended to run with a tournament. It can be run in the event venue or in a nearby location. This conference support is also available for small local independent conferences. Support for organizers, presenters and attendees.
- Ideal for bringing people together for learning
- Good for seminars and workshops alike
![subheader_conferences_3 Special Independent Conferences](
Special Independent Conferences
Run independently without another event. Meant to be run for a wider region and a full weekend. Support for organizers, presenters and attendees is given with travel in mind.
- This type of conference is run in collaboration with LSS and only available to apply by request and prior contact
- Few per year but each one special
For any additional questions, feel free to reach out to